Well here I am, enjoying a day off, getting a chance to relax and think back on the last few months. Its been a long strange trip, that's for sure.
I'm normally a very quiet and shy person, but when I'm in the kitchen I find I'm more outgoing and slightly more extroverted. Generally I work the fryers, make salads, plate and expedite. I'm learning to be more organized and how to multitask more efficiently. It can be very high stress, but I'm finding that I'm not buckling under the pressure like I would have in the past.
Being the only woman in the kitchen is definitely an interesting experience. I've found that women in this profession have to be dirtier, louder and more outgoing than our male counterparts or we just can't survive. We also have to work harder.
The past week or so, we had about six events we had to do in addition to our usual league nights. It means a bit more stress, but I find it to be a welcome break from doing the same thing every day. Once in a while during tournaments, I get to step out of the kitchen for an afternoon and work the grill outside to provide burgers and hotdogs for participants at the turn. Its a nice break, but its always nice to get back into my whites and work in the kitchen again.