Friday, 21 September 2012

Well...THAT was interesting....

Well, sorry for my lack of post folks...
I'm just getting back into the swing of things after an unplanned month off.
After a slip with a knife on Aug 25, I managed to secure a trip to the hospital where I received three stitches, and an appointment with a specialist to make sure there was no nerve damage.
Aug 30, I saw the specialist and he determined that I had severed the main nerve of my index finger.  He booked me for day surgery at his office to reattach the nerve.
Sept 11, I went for my surgery...let's just say it was an ordeal....
And now, I am awaiting Sept 26 to have the stitches removed.

I have just returned to work in the past week, and am slowly getting back into the swing of things.  Due to the nature of the injury and the placement, I am very restricted for movement in my right hand.  At least I'm left handed, right?

At any rate, I will do what I can to continue updates and see about posting some pictures and such.

Once again,
I deeply apologize for my long absence.
Be well,

Tuesday, 12 June 2012

It's arrived (for the most part) and ooo is it ever sexy!

We got in two new fryers last week, and our ten burner stove this week.  Oh my oh my, they're so pretty.  I'm going to have to set up some more photos very soon, our whole line looks different.  We even have a new pass.

I deeply apologize for the lack of updates lately, I've fallen into that all too familiar pattern of work and sleep...
I promise I will rectify this as soon as I can.

Wednesday, 9 May 2012

*squees giddily like a lil schoolgirl*

This year we're getting a complete overhaul on our line!  I'm so happy, like you have no idea how happy.  Today my new pass came in...double heat lamps!!!!  I can plate more than 5 at a time, finally!

Tonight we tested our new pass to a small degree, we had a plated function of 20, another of 45, and ladies night all at the same time.  We could get three rows of plates going and keep them all hot.

Life is looking up.

I promise I will post pictures soon.

Tuesday, 24 April 2012


Good day Ladies and Gents!
Another day has arrived and with it, a question "What is passion?"
Passion is many things to many people.  To a cook it can be that thing that drives you through late nights and early mornings, pushes you through the pain, gets you through long hours, lets you work hard and play harder.

Passion is the mother of invention, that which causes you to aspire to reach new heights, and strive for excellence no matter how much you have been overwhelmed.

This passion can be found in many fields, not just this one.  But I have found that passion makes it so much better.  Yeah, I've had days where my alarm goes off at 6am and the last thing I want to do is leave my warm bed and go cook breakfast, but I go do it anyway.  Cooking is becoming my zen, my happy place, if you will, and even if I get stressed, I love it here.

I keep pushing through and trying to learn more, and I'm starting to feel more confident with this job.  As a result, I am being given more responsibilities.

I'm doing more on breakfast, like eggs and meat, instead of just toast, expediting and plating.

I hope this year to push myself to be able to handle the line on my own or at the very least, with a little assistance.

This year promises to be an interesting one.  And I can't wait.

Tuesday, 3 April 2012

A New Season

Hallo folks,
Adeptus here with a quick update.
An early spring and a new season are upon us and we managed to open an astounding eight weeks earlier than last year!  Woooo hooo!  So I'm back and have great plans to continue the bloggy goodness this season.  I'm also in the process of possibly developing a podcast which will interview local cooks to see what they feel about the industry, what kind of food they like, and their personal styles.  I promise to keep you all posted on that project.
The season's been starting off slowly, and we've only had a few small functions of late, nothing I've gotten pictures of yet, but I promise that as we start ramping up, I will start posting pics again.
I'm finding I'm more comfortable in this field now, and am able to take on more tasks than last year.  As I become more comfortable, I am more confident as well.
Here's hoping for an awesome season!