Friday 21 September 2012

Well...THAT was interesting....

Well, sorry for my lack of post folks...
I'm just getting back into the swing of things after an unplanned month off.
After a slip with a knife on Aug 25, I managed to secure a trip to the hospital where I received three stitches, and an appointment with a specialist to make sure there was no nerve damage.
Aug 30, I saw the specialist and he determined that I had severed the main nerve of my index finger.  He booked me for day surgery at his office to reattach the nerve.
Sept 11, I went for my surgery...let's just say it was an ordeal....
And now, I am awaiting Sept 26 to have the stitches removed.

I have just returned to work in the past week, and am slowly getting back into the swing of things.  Due to the nature of the injury and the placement, I am very restricted for movement in my right hand.  At least I'm left handed, right?

At any rate, I will do what I can to continue updates and see about posting some pictures and such.

Once again,
I deeply apologize for my long absence.
Be well,