Sunday, 27 March 2011

A new beginning....

After spending most of my life bouncing from part time minimum wage job, to part time minimum wage job, I have decided a change is in order, and a drastic one at that.  I have decided to become a cook.
I've always enjoyed cooking, and love making people happy, so why not combine the two?   
In this blog, I will be chronicling my time as an apprentice, and adding a restaurant review or two here and there.  Names will be changed to protect the innocent (and the guilty), but I hope to be able to provide some insight to our lives for those who are unfamiliar with the field.  I also hope to provide some entertainment for my fellow cooks.  
I'm sure there will be facepalms galore and laughs applenty, and I genuinely hope you enjoy what you read and continue to come back every now and again.  
I've had a few friends who have been instrumental in my choice to become a cook, and something tells me that they won't let me quit now that I've started.  I'm honestly very grateful to them all.  

1 comment:

  1. It's a long hard road, but one that is both satisfying and fulfilling. I'm glad to see you're going into it and to see you're writing about it. I look forward to seeing future posts, and I'm sure you will get some fantastic stories.
